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Papua Governor Thank Words of Ramos Horta.

suggested that the Government of Papua Province can prioritize education for the younger generation of Papua.
"Political Ramos very clear priority to education in the integrity of NKRI so in solving the problems in Papua," he said again.
He added Papua and East Timor together once a colony so there are still some things can be solved in the same way.
A day earlier, Ramos Horta had met Papuan leaders that took place in one of the restaurants in the city of Jayapura. The Papua leaders including Franz Alberth Yoku, Ramses Ohee, Nick Messet and Jhon Norotouw.
After meeting Franz Alberth Yoku said it met with Ramos Horta talked about many things, but the core of the meeting that he fully supported the Papua became part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
"He wants Papua to remain a part of the Homeland. Because according to him, when he was struggling to separate East Timor from Indonesia and stands became a sovereign country, it was not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, "he said.
According Yoku, Ramos Horta was advised against Papuans that Indonesia is a big country. And Papua should be proud to be part of such a great country.
"He did not regret what had fought before, but it's good to be a part of Papua still must be maintained before Homeland regret later on," he said.
In the same place, Nick Messet who is a former Minister of Foreign Affairs OPM told reporters that when he was fighting outside Papua to fight for Papua can be detached from Indonesia ultimately futile because it is not recognized by foreign nations.
"I have to be alone in there, but what I can? The struggle that I did all in vain because the outside world still considers that Papua is part of the Homeland. For that I personally invite other people of Papua to fight and liberate themselves from the economic, social, cultural, education and culture, "he concluded.

Former East Timor President Ramos Horta give a message to the Governor of Papua Lukas Enembe to solve the problems in Papua as a whole without any bloodshed.
Papua Governor Lukas Enembe told reporters after a closed meeting, in Jayapura, Tuesday (05/03/2016), said the arrival of Ramos Horta to give feedback about problems in Papua.
"Ramos Horta gave advice not to shed blood for this fight like no results," he said.
According Enembe, if the use of violence in Papua's problems will not be completed because the Ramos Horta also never done it, but to no avail.
"All the feedback is very positive, Ramos even suggested that there is a dialogue involving all the components in Papua," he said.
In addition, said Enembe, Ramos-Horta was also


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